Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Isabel Interview Questions Of The Diet Solution Program

Isabel Interview
Q: Isabel, tell us a little a bit about yourself, and what you do.

A: I am a NJ based Holistic Nutritionist and Exercise Specialist. I have a private practice in NJ and when I’m not seeing clients in my office I am writing books, newsletters, articles or speaking on the principles of healthy nutrition for weight loss and disease prevention. Basically, doing my best to communicate what true health is to the world.

Q: Isabel, I just finished your ebook, The Diet Solution, and get the sense of an interesting and diverse background. Can you tell a bit about yourself?

A: The Diet Solution Program is really a culmination of my search for answers to my own weight loss and health problems. I can remember going on my first “diet” in the 7th grade. You name the diet and I tried it. Not until I found the true answers to weight loss and how to keep it off was I able to finally reach my own ideal weight and level of health that I enjoy today.
It was also my mother’s and my grandmother’s struggle with obesity and type 2 Diabetes that led me to research how blood sugar affects our ability to lose and gain fat. As I studied Diabetes more and more, I found that the same principles that could be used to control a diabetic’s blood sugar were the same principles that all people needed to use to lose fat and keep it off. Once I figured this out, I was almost amazed at how easy the answer was the whole time and couldn’t believe all of the past unhealthy plans I had attempted with no success.

Q: How did you happen to get into the Nutrition industry? What were the deciding factors?

A: As I continued to work on my own health and weight struggles, I became fascinated by the human body. I was truly amazed by the discoveries I had made in regards to weight loss and blood sugar control and could not believe that this information wasn’t main stream. Even worse, I could not believe that doctors and food companies were actually recommending the exact opposite of the information that I had discovered to be the only way to lose weight. This led me to be as passionate as I am now about communicating this exact information to the world.

Q: What was your inspiration for The Diet Solution? Did you follow some other diet or fitness guru’s before your own ideas developed?

A: Writing the Diet Solution Program was inspired by seeing hundreds of clients in my private nutrition practice in New Jersey. All of the nutrition principles that I would teach my clients was a combination of several books, classes and seminars that I had read or attended and grabbed the best principles taught in each. I knew there had to be a way to put all of this great information together in an easy to read, easy to follow program. Don’t get me wrong. Actually putting the information together and laying it out in a way that would be easy to understand by all people was not an easy chore. But once it was complete, it really was a culmination of 15 years of research and study.

Q: Getting into the diet and nutrition industry can have a ton of positive benefits – has there been a downside at all?

A: No, I wouldn’t call it a downside. But I will say that I do encounter a lot of resistance to my not very mainstream ideas. I tell people “If you have been following the same nutrition and diet principles with no results, isn’t it time to take a new approach?” When people see the kind of results my clients get, they realize that a new approach may be the only way they will successfully lose weight.
I battled my own weight since I was a teenager and through my own mistakes and struggles, I found the only way to really lose weight and keep it off was through a natural foods approach. And by no means does that mean a tasteless, bland food approach. I mean the stuff good ol’ Mother Nature provided us with in their delicious forms.

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