Monday, September 3, 2012

Vitamins and Herbs

 Vitamins and Herbs
Get   more   vitamin   D.    Supplements   are   one   way   to increase   your Vitamin D  intake, however  quite honestly the best way to get this nutrient is from sunshine. The human body synthesizes Vitamin D that is absorbed through  the  skin  when  exposed  to  sunlight.  Many   people  are  not getting the   sun  exposure   that   they   require   because   of   the   risk   of   skin cancer; however   in   moderation   –   about   5   minutes   a   day   -   sunlight   is   very beneficial.

Take   vitamin   C   prior   to   sun   exposure.   Getting   a sunburn   is definitely   unpleasant.   By   taking   an   extra   dose   of   vitamin   C   prior   to beginning   your   sun   exposure,   you   are   boosting   your   skin’s   natural defenses.  If you  would  like  increased  protection, consider  adding  vitamin
E as well.

Sooth   your   stomach   with   oranges   and   fennel   seed.     Make   a mixture  of a tablespoon each  of  orange  peel and  fennel seed added  to two cups of  water.  Boil  and  then  steep  this tea.  Add honey  to sweeten  the  tea and   drink   it   when  you   are   suffering  from   indigestion.    The   tea  should refrigerate for about 48 hours, and will taste primarily like fennel.

Drink rosemary tea.     Rosemary  is  a  kitchen herb known for its ability to   stimulate  the   senses.     If   you   are   feeling  tired,  but   have   a   lot  to   get accomplished you might do well  to drink some Rosemary  Tea.   Rosemary Tea is also an excellent remedy for headaches.

Use  ipecac syrup  to stop  vomiting.     While  this is  one  of  the  common ingredients in most home first aid  kits, you may  not realize  that it is also  a homeopathic  remedy  for  vomiting  when  taken  in  very   tiny   doses.    While ipecac   will  not   do   much   for   patients   experiencing  nausea,  it   will   work wonders   for   you   if   you   are   experiencing   continuous   vomiting.  A homeopathic  physician  or   pharmacist  can  recommend   exact  dosages  for

Take Ginkgo for better concentration.     Gingko is known for its ability to   stimulate   the   mind   and   to   help   the   brain   to   metabolize   nutrients correctly.  In some cases, the  herb  has  been noted  to reduce  the  effects  of aging  and   to   slow   the   onset  of   Alzheimer’s   disease.   Gingko   leaves  are ground into a powder and the extract can be used in many different forms. A few years ago, it became very common to see Gingko added to just about everything in the supermarket.   A homeopathic physician can  help  you  to determine whether you would benefit from a Gingko supplement.

Mix garlic and honey.    If  you  are  at risk for, or suffer  from high  blood pressure,   consider   eating   a   teaspoon   of   minced   garlic   mixed   with   2 teaspoons   of   honey   every   day.     Honey   and   garlic   are   known   for   being healing  foods,  and   when   combined   they   are   extremely   beneficial  to  the circulatory system.

Soothe   diaper   rash   with   beeswax.     Beeswax   is   the   base   for   a homeopathic   diaper   cream   solution.     By   adding  in  other   herbs  such   as chickweed   and   marshmallow,  you   are  creating   a  cream   that  is  not  only developed  perfectly  from  nature –  but  one  that  will not  stain and  stick  to your   hands.  This  cream   is  far   gentler   than  the  conventional   diaper  rash creams currently on the market.

Try magnesium for leg  cramps.     Many  people  suffer from cramps in their   legs, particularly   in  the  calves.    Drinking  more  water   will  probably help to relieve  the frequency and  adding magnesium to your  diet is a great way to eliminate these cramps forever.

Try belladonna for ear pain.     If you  have an ear infection  or ear  pain, belladonna extract could  possible  help  to alleviate  this pain.   This extract helps  to  reduce   inflammation  in  the   blood   vessels,  one   of   the   common causes of ear  pain.  Other  ailments for  which belladonna will  help include toothaches,  fevers,  restlessness or   insomnia  and  eye  pain  resulting from dryness.

Take  St.  John’s  Wort  for stress.      This  plant  extract  is  known  for   its ability  to  help  relieve  the  symptoms  of  depression, grief  and  anxiety.  You can  also  try  taking  St.  John’s Wort for  any  injury  that  causes sharp  pains or a  repetitive  stress injury. This  supplement is  commonly  added  to  teas, and is also widely available in capsules and tablets.

Consider   poison   ivy   for   an   ankle   sprain.    Although   it   is   not commonly   thought  of   as  a  good   thing,   poison  ivy   extract  is   actually   an excellent pain reliever   for  sprains and   strains.    Sometimes,  the  extract  is given to patients with severe flu symptoms or even arthritis.

Use   chamomile   for   teething.     Homeopathic   remedies   for   teething contain this extract,  which  is known for  its calming effects. The safest way to  use   this  extract  is  in  a cream   or   gel  designed   specifically   for   teething babies. There  are  specifically  designed  capsules that are  placed  under  the baby’s tongue to induce calmness and relieve pain.

Use  onions  to  relieve  allergy  symptoms.     Onions  are   an  excellent treatment   option  for   those   suffering   from   allergies  because   the   root  is completely   natural   and   proves   to   be   very   effective   at   opening   nasal passages.   It’s not  as  simple  as  eating an onion however.    Because  onions  cause  the  same  symptoms that  allergy  sufferer’s  dread,  an  extract should be  taken in  tiny  doses, until the  body  begins  to ignore  the  irritant and  to develop a defense against the patients other allergens.

Try   lavender   on   your   feet.    If   you   suffer   from   athlete’s   foot,   you already realize that there is little you seem to be able to do in order to  stop the   affliction.   That  is  true  with  traditional  medications.  However,  using oils of lavender, garlic  and tea-tree in an alcohol solution will  help to ward off the problem once and for all.

Try   peppermint   oil   for   headaches.     If   you   get   chronic   tension headaches and have found conventional medications to  be failing, it might be a good idea to consider trying peppermint oil. A few drops of this oil can be placed on a cotton ball and applied to the forehead.  Take a few minutes to relax and allow the oil to penetrate the skin.

Sleep   better   with   a   sesame   oil   scalp   massage.     Warm   a   small amount of sesame oil, and massage into the scalp before washing your hair in  order  to induce  sleep.  This  can also be  an  effective  technique  to  stop  a headache.   Scalp  massage in  general is  a  good treatment option,  however when combined with sesame oil the effects are better felt.

Try   Passion   Flower   extract.     If   you   suffer   from   anxiety   disorder, depression or  hyperactivity  this  extract  can  help   eliminate  daily   anxiety, calm  hyperactivity   and  relieve   stress.    The   calming effects  of   this  extract are also thought to help with high blood pressure.

Reduce  stress naturally.    One   of   the  most  commonly   treated   medical conditions  in  the   world   today   is   anxiety   disorder.     Thankfully,   nature provided  us with natural stress relievers like passion flower, lemon balm, lavender   and   valerian   to   name   a   few.     Consider   trying   these   various extracts to  test their effect on your  anxiety and  stress levels with  essential oils, teas and other forms.

Try feverfew for headaches.     Feverfew  has  been used  for  centuries by medical   experts   to   treat   rheumatoid   arthritis   and   migraine   headaches. This root is known for its ability to reduce swelling and fevers as well.   You can try a tablet, or even a feverfew tea.

Try vitamins C and B for a hangover.    If  you  happen  to overindulge with alcohol, you should immediately drink a glass of water and  take some Vitamins  B and  C. This combination will  start  to remove the  alcohol from your bloodstream and start the process of recovering so that you feel better faster.

Try bee products for arthritis and joint pain.    If you suffer from stiff joints  or  arthritis,  consider  trying  bee  venom  in any  of  its popular  forms. You   might  try  a  cream   made  from  royal   jelly,  eating  raw   honey   or   even using bee  venom  itself.  If   you   are  interested   in experiencing  the  healing relief  of  bee  venom, contact an apitherapist,  who will actually  administer bee   stings  to   your   affected   joints.   If   you   are   allergic   to   bee   stings,   you should not consider this treatment.

Try   ginger   for   joint   problems.    If   you   experience   joint   pain   or stiffness, you  might benefit from  ginger  caplets, or simply  more ginger  in your   diet.    Ginger   is  an   antioxidant   that  is   known  to   assist  the   body   in preserving cartilage. You  can  find  ginger  supplements  in  any  health   food store.

Try  coriander  oil  for  joint   pain  and  stiffness.    Coriander   oil   or extract can  be  added to  mineral  oil for  massaging  sore  joints,  or  it can be brewed  into  a  tea. Try  making a  1 to  5 solution  in  an  oil  of  your  choice, letting it sit for 24 hours and then applying to sore joints.

Stop sneezing  with Echinacea.     This herb has been used for thousands of  years to treat  the symptoms of the common cold.   It is thought to be an excellent immunity  booster.  There are  many  different forms of Echinacea currently   on  the   market.    Depending   on  whether   you   are   taking  it  as  a preventative   supplement  or  to  treat  current   symptoms,  the   dosage   may differ.

Add   more   B   to   your   diet.     Foods   rich   in   the   B   vitamins   and   B supplements  are  thought to  be some  of  the  most beneficial  to the  human body.   B   vitamins  are  excellent  for  the  nervous  system,  the  skin  and  are even  used   to   treat   respiratory   problems   including   asthma.   Foods   like brown rice, baked potatoes and fish contain vitamin B. Try adding more to your diet today.

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